I made a big mistake. I attempted to do both the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation 5K and go bikefishing within a time crunch, riding the paved Gitchee-Gami State Trail from the Split Rock River back to the Split Rock River State Park Trail Center, all at the same time, on the Cogburn with it's wide, dirt and gravel tires. Did I mention, the first 1.5 miles is primarily UPHILL? And, I left my water bottle in the car, which Ellen took? By the time I reached the top of Day Hill, I was almost ready to call an ambulance. Fortunately, the rest of the trail was downhill! Oh well, here's a "before" picture of me with the "Big Lake They Call Gitchee-Gumi" in the background. I made it in time for our Mothers Day dinner date reservation in Duluth! Ellen was happy.
Two days later: I am proceeding on... The Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation 5K is in the history books! After Saturday's near-horror show, I decided to start over on more friendly trails, on my bike I bought specifically to ride thel Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, my 2006 Bianchi Volpe touring bike, "Discovery II." I got it done!
This is the third year in a row that I have started my "official" biking season with the L&C5K, only this year I started riding earlier. Just not hard enough for the Saturday attempt.