Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Riding the River is Hard Work!

Riding the River is Hard Work!

Riding the River requires discipline, courage, and persistence. It is no accident that the Bible speaks often of the need for endurance. The temptation is always at hand to stop, build a cabin by the Riverside, and settle down, rather than follow the river to its headwaters.

How do we overcome this temptation? More than anything, it depends on the presence and leadership of our divine Captains. Our own resolve and good intentions might get us part way up the river. For the expedition to fully succeed, the captains must be in charge.

As Christians today, we need to be on guard that the forceful experience of the early church does not shrivel into a historical memory or a lifeless system of intellectual beliefs. That would be like members of the Corps of Discovery Heading upriver with nothing more than anecdotes and lecture notes from Lewis and Clark. In the day-to-day business of riding the river their captains would be a memory rather than a presence.

 Ephesians 3:11-13, 16-17 FNV

This good story gives full meaning to the ancient purpose he planned before he created all things. This purpose has now been made clear through the Chosen One, Creator Sets Free (Jesus). Our trust in him opens the way and gives a strong heart to move close to the Great Spirit. So do not become weak of heart when you hear about how much I am suffering for you, which is proof of your great worth.

My prayer for you is that from the great treasures of his beauty, Creator will gift you with the Spirit’s mighty power and strengthen you in your inner being. In this way, the Chosen One will make his home in your heart.


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