The Candidates
When you Ride the River, a relationship with God the
Father, with Jesus Christ, and with the Holy Spirit can be clearly established,
maintained, and deepened. What is missing or deficient can be made up.
Lewis and Clark had no lack of candidates for the Voyage of
Discovery. According to Stephen Ambrose, a sense of sheer excitement spread
through the country west of the Allegheny Mountains when the news of the
expedition became known: “what young frontiersman could resist such an
opportunity? It was the ultimate adventure.”
Before the two captains met in the Indiana territory, each
of them began to interview candidates for the expedition, subject to the
approval of the other. At one point Clark wrote Lewis that several “gentlemen
sons” had applied to him. He declined to accept them; they were not prepared
for the discipline that the journey would require. Lewis wrote back, “I am well
pleased that you have not admitted or encouraged the young gentleman you
mentioned. We must set our faces against all such applications.” This was no
expedition for dabblers thinking to add a touch of adventure to their lives.
The men chosen for the Voyage of Discovery came with a
variety of talents and skills, but they had one thing in common: they were
ready to follow Lewis and Clark into an unexplored wilderness.
The call to become a Christian has never changed, it is the
same today as it was when Jesus walked the roads of Galilee. To any who would
become his disciples, he says “Follow me.”
Luke 9:23-27 FNV
“If you want to walk the road with me, each day you must
also be ready to give up your own life and carry your own crossbeam with me to
the place of ultimate sacrifice. The ones who hold on to their lives will
lose them, but the ones who are willing to lay down their lives for me and my
message will live. How will it help you to get everything you want but lose
what it means to be who Creator made you to be? Is there anything in this world
worth trading for that?
If anyone is ashamed of me and of my teaching, then the True
Human Being will be ashamed of them when he comes in his bright-shining
greatness to be honored by the Father above and all of his Holy
I speak from my heart, there are some of you standing here
with me today who, before you cross over to death, will see Creator’s could
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